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SpreadsheetShortcuts ®, a business unit of TechProtege, LLC, provides customized Microsoft Excel ® spreadsheets according to clients’ business needs.

While SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC aims for and is accustomed to success, both SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC and CLIENT acknowledge that in the real world, there is always a possibility of unfortunate events arising.  In the event of any such unfortunate circumstance, SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC shall not in any case be liable for any damages greater than the agreed price of the spreadsheet project work completed by SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC. 

The above being clearly understood and agreed, SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC wants your spreadsheet and business projects to be successful.  SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC wants your continued business and your referrals to your friends’, families’, partners’, co-workers’, and colleagues’ businesses, and SpreadsheetShortcuts / TechProtege, LLC will strive for success there as well.

Now let’s get to it, there’s work to be done!

Spreadsheet,Excel,Financial Analysis,Quantitative Analysis,Business Metrics,Profit,PivotTable,Tips,Tricks,Wizardry,Functions,Formulas,Shortcuts