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   Business References

SpreadsheetShortcuts.com®, a business unit of the California Institute of Strategic Management®, a division of TechProtege, LLC, was created and is managed by Dan Steinberg, who holds a BSc in Physics from George Washington University and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, a top quantitative (quant) graduate business school. Dan scored consistently in the 99.9th percentile on standardized math exams and competitions, and he served as Editor-in-Chief of an MBA school magazine. Dan automated spreadsheet calculations in marketing, finance, and operations for Dean Witter, Sony / Time Warner, Nextel Communications, Wells Fargo, Philips Electronics, CBRE, and more.  Commendations earned include the following:

Earned “Six Sigma Black Belt Certification”.

Spreadsheet,Excel,Financial Analysis,Quantitative Analysis,Business Metrics,Profit,PivotTable,Tips,Tricks,Wizardry,Functions,Formulas,Shortcuts

“Mr. Steinberg… was involved in making analyses or reports to the top management... These analyses dealt with competitors, markets, technologies, investment proposals and [the] like. When conducting this activity, Mr. Steinberg always made excellent job. The analyses were to the point, and included both the strategic view and relevant detail.
― CTO, major division of a large multi-national corporation

“Dan… was responsible for the preparation of… materials on behalf of a number of clients from a variety of different industries. Dan exhibited a high level of competence, persistence and professionalism towards all tasks assigned to him.
― President, management consulting firm

Earned “Special Bonus for Outstanding Efforts” award.
― President, specialty consulting firm


Spreadsheet,Excel,Financial Analysis,Quantitative Analysis,Business Metrics,Profit,PivotTable,Tips,Tricks,Wizardry,Functions,Formulas,Shortcuts






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Spreadsheet,Excel,Financial Analysis,Quantitative Analysis,Business Metrics,Profit,PivotTable,Tips,Tricks,Wizardry,Functions,Formulas,Shortcuts



Photos © Kirsty Pargeter, David Sandonato, and David Crockett